Dave Housley Dave Housley

Issue 25 Preview: Dear Reader (Holy Shit We’re 20 Years Old)

A few more beers in, we talk rejection, the places we’re sending our stories, how it doesn’t seem like there are many outlets where the editors might be having these same conversations about pop culture and writing, how the whole landscape just doesn’t seem like much fun at all. Hey, one of us says, too many beers in now: What if we started our own literary magazine?

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Dave Housley Dave Housley

Issue 25 Preview: My Fingers, by Meiko Ko

One summer, I started explaining myself. There was no reason for it, or if there was, I couldn’t clarify it even to myself. It could have been the lack of talking in the previous summers, all leading up to the taciturnity of winters, the dry mouths and moody colds. Then again, talking wasn’t the same as explaining.

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