Mistranslations and Meeting Notes

J. Robert Lennon’s “Mistranslations and Meeting Notes” is a wild fever dream of thematic resonances and workaday collisions. These prose poems skip stones across the ocean of what language means to us, both as speakers with intention and as listeners who are simply busy waiting for something to happen to us in life.

Finding the right thing to say is an impossible task, especially in academic staff meetings - the incubator for this blazing collection. Mr. Lennon’s work always brims with pithy observations, contextual nuances and well-aimed humor, and the prose poem form uplifts his style with fluid grace. Without a doubt, this clever and soulful collection will land upon one’s eye-level bookshelf, the one designated to cool and interesting finds worthy of sharing with friends and thoughtful re-reading.

Out of print. Download a free digital version by clicking “add to cart” and checking out through our store.

By J. Robert Lennon



J. Robert Lennon is the author of two story collections, Pieces For The Left Hand and See You in Paradise, and eight novels, including Mailman, Familiar, and Broken River. Graywolf Press will publish a new novel and story collection in 2020.


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