Fourteen Sticks Inside, by Misti Rainwater-Lites

“Don’t resist counseling.”
“I resist everything but clown makeup and donuts.”
The family is finally gone so I inhaled
fourteen original snack sticks
read four hundred pages of terrible erotica
woke up on the wrong side of Jupiter
wondering about the death of another gelatinous year.
What’s a resolution?
How many miles to Planet Fitness?
Why peanut oil?
I wrote flash fiction featuring Tom Petty and two days later he died.
Pretty sure
I’m a witch
of some kind.

Misti Rainwater-Lites is the CEO of Chupacabra Disco. Halloween is her favorite holiday but she watches that damn Rudolph movie each year with her son and bakes ridiculous cookies that kind of look like stars.


Yelp Reviews of 1998, by Amorak Huey


I Go to Join It, by Ashley Hutson