A Hipster Devil Christmas, by Tara Campbell
Prompt, by Claire Lombardo: Write about an exquisitely eccentric holiday guest.
A Loudness of Screechers, by Rion Amilcar Scott
Prompt, by Tara Campbell: Banquet of beasts: beasts could be literal/figurative/whatever. And they could be on either side of the table: eating or being eaten. Or they could be underneath the table doing whatever it is beasts do best.
Conjoined, by Dana Diehl
Prompt, by Rion Amilcar Scott: Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hannukkah/Three King's Day after society has ended and civilization is struggling back to life.
A Very Mario Lopez Christmas, by Megan Giddings
Prompt, by Dana Diehl: Write a story with the plot (or could-be plot) of a made-for-TV ABC Family holiday special.
When You Were Here, by Claire Lombardo
Prompt, by Megan Giddings: A family wakes up on Christmas morning to find all their chosen holiday gifts are gone. They instead find unwrap weird objects (an old pipe, a sock with a weird stain, etc) and become very, very confused.
Overwinternight, by Helen McClory
Prompt, from Leah Umansky: Write in the second person. Include one or all of the following images: star, snowflake, owl, a famous tv character.
Shepherds, Why This Jubilee?, by Bryan Furuness
Prompt, by Helen McClory: Write about the most moving thing you have seen at festive time (can be totally fictional of course).
Submission Guidelines for Letters to Santa, by Tara Laskowski
Prompt, by Bryan Furuness: Submission guidelines for letters to Santa.
Elf NYC vs Elf MFA, by Danny Collier
Prompt, by Matt Perez: Write the two Pushcart poetry nominations from the Peg & Hammer, the number one literary magazine of Santa's (artsiest and perhaps most disgruntled) elves.
God Rest Ye, by Kevin Fanning
Prompt, from Danny Collier: If you're bitten or scratched by a celebrity, you become a celebrity. These are the plague days.