Published Work From Writer Camp
People really do get work done at Barrelhouse Writer Camp. Here's a sample of published work that was either started, worked on, finished, or accepted at Writer Camp.
Panic Years by Daniel DiFranco, draft novel reviewed during editor meeting.
Aubade, by Caleb Curtiss, drafted at camp
The Truth About Goldfish, by Josh Jones, drafted at camp, published in Necessary Fiction
Dust Bunny City, by Bud Smith, draft finished at camp, book published by Disorder Press
Philadelphia, by Gina Myers, workshopped at camp, chapbook published by Barrelhouse Books
A Lesson for You Girls, by Shasta Grant, workshopped at camp, published at Smokelong
Love Letter, by Shasta Grant, workshopped/accepted at editor meeting, published at Hobart.
Rules by Meghan Phillips, workshopped with editor, published at Matchbook.
Love, loss and what I would sing: A meditation on “The Voice” auditions, by Doug Paul Case, drafted at Camp, published at Salon.
Solicitations, by Benjamin Woodard, workshopped/accepted at editor meeting, published at Hobart.
Did You Hear That? by Benjamin Woodard, workshopped/accepted at editor meeting, published at Hobart.
(Editor's Note: Benjamin Woodard had a couple of really good meetings with Hobart Editor Aaron Burch. It doesn't usually work like that.)
The Ghost and the Mouse, by Nicholas Dolern, drafted at camp, published at Chicago Literati
How To Write Your Way Out Of An Emotional Funk In Just 20 Minutes, drafted at camp, by Gina Tomaine, published at Organic Life. Final article features several pictures from the Godspeed facilities where camp is held.
Government-issued Bunnies, by Caroline Bock, drafted at camp, published at Smokelong Quarterly
The Wherewithal, by Benjamin Woodard, workshopped at editor meeting, published at Monkeybicycle
The Defiant Ones: Learning to Embrace Both Amanda Rosewater and and Stahma Tarr, by Lauren Busser, proposal drafted at camp, published at Brain Mill Press
Free Bus Confessional, by Gabrielle Souza, drafted at camp, winner of the 2020 San Miguel Writers’ Conference Writing Contest
For a Moment, by Dixon Speaker, drafted at camp, published by X-R-A-Y Lit
The Morning After, by Carly Taylor, developed on a rainy camp day, published by Pussy Magic
On the Last Day, the Ancestors Came, by Tyrese Coleman, workshopped in an impromptu flash workshop, published by The Rumpus
Big League Chew, by Hannah Grieco, revised during an editor session, published by Barren Magazine
Connecting With My Autistic Son: Paving Our Way Through Stories, by Hannah Grieco, workshopped during an editor session, published in Your Teen magazine
How to Make a P.E. Teacher Disappear, by Greg Oldfield, written by the stream based on writing prompts from an editor, published by Porcupine Literary
What You Missed While I Was Watching Your Cat, by Barrelhouse editor Chris Gonzalez, written at camp, published by Third Point Press
Carmen Maria Machado’s Genre-Bending Memoir Will Complicate Your Ideas of Queerness, by Barrelhouse editor Chris Gonzalez, drafted at camp, published by The Nation
PureLight, by Nick Farriella, workshopped with an editor at camp, published by Furtive Dalliance
Remain Open To It, Without Naming It, by Nick Farriella, drafted at camp, published by Joyland
You Know This Has to be True, Or Else You’ll Dissolve Too, by Hannah Grieco, drafted at camp, published by Lost Balloon
Domino Sugars, by Hannah Grieco, drafted at camp, published by pigeonholes
The Greys, by Becky Barnard and Dave Housley, drafted at multiple camps, published by PandaMoon
Notes from the Road, by Mike Ingram, drafted at camp, published by AWST press
The Nightfly, by Libby Cudmore, workshopped at camp and winner of the 2018 Oregon Writer’s Colony Prize
The Martin Wade series, by Libby Cudmore, character developed at camp