Online Issues, Nonfiction Dave Housley Online Issues, Nonfiction Dave Housley

The Alluring Smell of the Parasite, by James Gallant

Toxoplasma gondii is one of the most successful parasites in nature. It attacks the brains of many hosts: cats, dogs, bears, sheep, cattle, chickens, goats, pigs, rats, mice, and humans. Its characteristic effect is to promote restless, incautious behaviors. These may play into the hands of predators and prove fatal. If the host animal dies, and another creature eats it, the latter will likely be infected with toxo.

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Issue 22, Nonfiction Dave Housley Issue 22, Nonfiction Dave Housley

Zero, Zero, Zero, by Marah Blake

Taxi declares its central tension in the first eight minutes of the pilot episode: making a life for yourself while the life you want is out of reach. It’s big dreams and found family and disappointments that land just shy of melancholy. It’s about finding a way forward despite how stuck you really are.

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