Reign, by Josh Lefkowitz

            6/7/58 – 4/21/16

Then a small, vegan star
Arrived, lived
At the same time as you
And me, and said, “purple.”

And we said, “oh,
You like purple?”
And he said, “no –
I am purple.”

Josh Lefkowitz works as a legal secretary. He won the 2013 Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Prize, an Avery Hopwood Award for Poetry at the University of Michigan, and was a finalist for the 2014 Brooklyn Non-Fiction Prize. His poems and essays have been published at The Rumpus, The Huffington Post, The Hairpin, The Offing, and many other places in print and across the internet.


Ballistics, by Hillary Jacqmin


Because They Was Purple, by Tameka Cage Conley