Online Issues Rebecca Barnard Online Issues Rebecca Barnard

Backing Up, by Tony Mancus


On the night that the episode of New Girl that Prince is in re-airs days after his death—the one where Nick and Jess tell each other they love one another for the first time—my wife Shannon and I frantically hustle to put on an immersive and interactive show at a stranger’s house in the middle of DC.

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Online Issues Rebecca Barnard Online Issues Rebecca Barnard

Elegy, by Amorak Huey

So we listen to Purple Rain and try to remember what it felt like to be 14 and plugging cassettes into our jam boxes to brace ourselves for a decade spent pretending to be a human being.

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Online Issues Rebecca Barnard Online Issues Rebecca Barnard

Seventeen in ‘84, by Kathy Curto

I'm in Deer Hollow Park, the playground where little kids don’t play anymore and, according to my mother, troublemakers go. “When Doves Cry” is on my new Walkman and I’m spooked because I’ve already played it seven times over and over and am now pressing Play for the eighth time which makes me think that I might be going crazy.

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